We investigated water quality and diversity of organisms on the territory of Slovakia on the river Laborec and on the territory of Ukraine on the river Uh.
The location where the Strážske stream (Chemko canal) flows into the Laborec is locally called Prefa. On the hydrogeological map...

The selection of biomonitoring methods in the vicinity of watercourses is influenced by several factors. Different methods are more suitable for assessing various aspects of water quality and ecosystem health. Common goals of biomonitoring...

The course of biomonitoring depends on the monitored organisms and the conditions of the location where environmental observation and monitoring take place...

The Laborec River meanders in this section, forming gravel deposits (so-called bars). In some places, fragments of meanders and relatively extensive bank communities have been preserved, representing the floodplain area of the Laborec. In this section, the right-bank Strážčanský stream flows into the river, which, during lower water levels, has so little water that the surface confluence of both streams...