Pollution of the environment

pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #25
Juniorr_ online
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Are we responsible for pollution of the environment?

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #27
Pestuch online
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Our responsibility is to maintain order in our environment and not to pollute it. Do you think that some animals also contribute to environmental pollution?

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #28
baska online
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Yes, I think that people are the ones who pollute their own habitat. In any logical way we look at this fact it just doesn’t make any sense. Yet we still do it. I was brought up to always care about the nature and the “citizens” of it but what really opened my eyes about the pollution was when i started working in a store with cheap clothes, where every piece of clothing is packed in several plastic bags. So remember, next time you’re buying a sweater or something else with the ECO,RECYCLED etc. tag on it, just to feel better about your eco-friendly choice, it comes wrapped in as many plastic as any other piece you buy. I believe that we still can reverse this trend of wasting by realising the truth and educate ourselves more about this huge problem of ours. Better later than never.

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #32
Taňka online
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I have to agree, there is a lot of waste in the rivers in our surronding. Some people don't care about organisms which live there. It is so terrible.

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Posledná úprava: Post by Taňka.
pred 1 rokom 3 mesiacmi #44
Iveta online
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Yes, we often polute nature and unfortumaely we dont care about consequences.

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