Pollution of the environment

pred 1 rokom 9 mesiacmi #5
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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #6
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Are we responsible for pollution of the environment? Why yes and why no?

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #7
nxdakin online
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Yes, of course we are. But I don't think there's a way to fix that without letting go of our comfort. We are responsible for the destruction of our world, but just because we are trying to have the best possible life. I'm not saying now that we should throw garbage everywhere we go, but also, it's kind of inevitable to pollute it in order to live...

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #8
Stela online
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yes we are because we (people) release pollutants into the environment, for example by burning fossil fuels or by deforestation

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #9
beresova online
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Yes. Us as humans are clearly responsible for the things we throw away. Personally the action that will probably fix this issue would be better knowledge about recycling or driving generally. You can't tech dog a new tricks like saying says. So I think it would make a really big difference if we start teaching our kids that our planet isn't going to be damaged, but already is. I'm scared that it's already late to save us as a human race. But nothing is impossible right...

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #10
Bianka online
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Yes, each of us pollutes nature, theiretically and practically speaking. But we should reduce the plastics and such, that end up in habitat of other creatures.

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #11
Nikola online
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Yes, because majority of people take everyday things, like drinkable water and multiple cars in families for granted and they often don't think about the consequences of their actions, unless the pollution touches them directly.

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #12
Veľas Jr. online
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Yes, because people pollute in different ways. Many of us don't even realize it. We pollute by throwing garbage into nature, polluting water by pouring waste water into rivers due to the lack of sewage systems.

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #13
Kubo online
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Yes we are and the main couse of the pollution is human sillines and laziness if we were just a little more active with basic pro envirement activites like sorting trash or if we would really care about our planet we would definitelly make a big progress with reducing pollution from our earth. So in conclusion with small changes strating form us we would make our planet better place for our future generation.

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pred 1 rokom 4 mesiacmi #14
Vargová online
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Yes we are.

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