Надихніться роботою вчених і досліджуйте водотоки у вашому районі.

Завантажте посібник EFFUSE для досвідчених, щоб отримати докладні інструкції щодо роботи на природі.
Task 1:
Amphibians are currently among the most endangered vertebrates globally. Try to reflect on the factors threatening amphibian populations today and causing the extinction of some species.
Task 2:
You already know the meanings of the terms oviparous and ovoviviparous. Try to classify our amphibian species into the respective categories based on their reproductive methods.
Task 3:
Imagine you are in the field and come across a spotted salamander. Based on what criteria could you determine whether it's a male or female? Does this amphibian species exhibit secondary sexual characteristics that allow for a straightforward distinction between genders? If yes, you can also draw these characteristics.
Task 4:
Among the so-called "large newts" in our fauna, we classify species of newts that have larger sizes compared to other newt species. These large newts can be distinguished by their greater dimensions.